«Es riquísima la cantera de la creación». Texts and contexts of Carmen Conde’s work in the audiovisual media: cinema, radio, television
Carmen Conde, Spanish Literature, Literature & Media, IntermedialityAbstract
In the poetic vocation of Carmen Conde, the mass media helped in her consolidation as a relevant voice in the public sphere. In this essay, we shall deline our object of study on Conde’s work for the audiovisual media: cinema, radio and television. Our objectives will be, 1) get a global perspective of her work for the media —see the annex—; and 2) give a reasoned argumentation on that set, methodologically and contextually.
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Accepted 2023-03-30
Published 2023-06-29
- Abstract 229
- PDF (Español (España)) 89
- PDF_ANEXO (Español (España)) 88