Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in museums in Andalusia. Statistical analysis and evaluation of digital and economic resources in the dynamization of visits
Palabras clave:
COVID-19, Museums, Cultural tourism, Visitors, StatisticsResumen
This article develops a quantitative and qualitative analysis focused on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its scope as a social phenomenon in the field of museums managed by the Department of Culture and Heritage of the Andalusian Regional Government. Methodologically, the repercussion of physical visits was analysed through statistical data, assessing the decrease in visitors during the pandemic period. Qualitatively, the procedures followed by the different museums studied to continue offering the virtual exhibition of their collections through digital platforms and the different applications focused on interaction with the public were evaluated. Finally, the economic measures adopted by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia and the Spanish Government to boost cultural visits, and especially visits to museums, were evaluated. The results have not only revealed a recovery in the number of visitors, still below pre-pandemic levels, but also that the digital activity and online resources of the museums analysed are still far from other practices developed by American or European museums.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Revista de Estudios Andaluces
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