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conductas arriesgadas
transición vida adulta Adolescents
Risky behaviors
Transition adult life and youth.

How to Cite

Tahull Fort, J. (2022). HOW DO TEENAGERS FROM CASTRO URDIALES (CANTABRIA) LEARN TO BE ADULTS?. Revista Andaluza De Antropología, (23), 38–56.
  • Abstract 231
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 148


The teenagers of Castro Urdiales are thrown into the sea from different places in the area
of San Guillén, the most known and popular area is the Medieval bridge. The origins are unknown but the neighbors located it between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth although they think that the waiters were thrown from the same construction of the bridge. The boys threw themselves until the age of majority, at the age of 18 they stopped throwing themselves and took care of adult tasks. Currently, Castro adolescents continue to fuck with more observers and social networks have amplified the social fact. Information obtained through participant observation is presented and ten interviews have been conducted with neighbors who are familiar with the topic. For teenagers, making risky leaps is beyond mere moments of leisure and constitutes a social ritual of their presentation in society and the configuration of adult identity.
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