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caza, bienestar animal, relación humano-animal, perros. hunting, animal welfare, human- animal relationship, dogs.

How to Cite

poliak Almeida, leticia. (2021). INTERSPECIES (DIS)ENCOUNTERS: TENSIONS SURROUNDING WILD BOAR HUNTING IN URUGUAY. Revista Andaluza De Antropología, (21), 45–61.
  • Abstract 284
  • DESCARGA PDF (Español (España)) 154


This article focuses on the study of representation and conflicts around wild boar hunting in Uruguay, between hunters, animal groups, conservationists and state actors related to the subject.

In this practice, the hunting dog is essential for some hunters in Uruguay, an activity in which dogs are often injured or killed. In this sense, there are animalist and conservationist groups that have different positions regarding this practice since they argue that there is a threat to the welfare of animals, or that hunting with dogs generates negative impacts on the conservation of native species.

In relation to this, there are disconnections and contradictions from the state regarding animal protection policies that respond to different conceptualizations and perceptions of non-human animals in our society. Many of these categories contradict the definition of animal welfare and existing regulations.These are criticized by both activists and hunters. The different categorizations generate precariousness when developing public policies, directly influencing the imaginary of the social group and vice versa, which makes it difficult to generate dialogue proposals.
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