“Diskusion entre Charlo i Yuse”, the events of six weeks in Thessaloniki (1920-1921) in rhymed prose with humor. Commentary, edition and notes


  • Aldina Quintana Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén




Judeo-Spanish, humor, Sephardic press, Sephardic history, Thessaloniki


The beginning of the 20s of the last century was marked by major changes in Thessaloniki: some of them caused by its integration in the Kingdom of Greece and the consequent Hellenization of the city; others, as a consequence of nationalism, political struggles, wars and disasters. The Jews -who still had the numerical majority in terms of population and maintained the status quo and communal structures of the long Ottoman period- were deeply affected by the new situation, which forced them to redefine their role and identity. Sephardic press echoed punctually of all events and reflections by members of the community in the most varied forms of expression and varieties of local Judeo-Spanish.

After describing the situation of Thessaloniki in those days and, especially, of the Jews and of Judeo-Spanish, we publish the edition of the humorous series Diskusion entre Chalo i Yuse in the Judeo-Spanish authorized system of writing and transcription. The author of the series, through his characters, two journalists, reviews the most outstanding events occurred in Thessaloniki in the six weeks of its publication, in the Judeo-Spanish variety spoken by the culturally westernized Sephardic middle class.


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Fuentes Documentales

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Fuentes Lexicográficas

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Corpus digitalizados

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How to Cite

Quintana, A. (2018). “Diskusion entre Charlo i Yuse”, the events of six weeks in Thessaloniki (1920-1921) in rhymed prose with humor. Commentary, edition and notes. Philologia Hispalensis, 32(1), 95–136. https://doi.org/10.12795/PH.2018.v32.i01.06



Monographic Section
Received 2018-11-11
Accepted 2019-01-14
Published 2018-08-22
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