Women, Amerindian and mestizos: the construction of the other in "La Florida del Inca"
Inca Garcilaso, women, Amerindian, mestizos, Juan Huarte de San JuanAbstract
Given his intellectual training and biographical itinerary, Inca Garcilaso was a privileged mestizo. This text aims to define the idea of the ‘other’ built in Garcilaso’s discourse. On one hand, that ‘other’ is related to the Amerindian, but on the other hand it is strongly related to the female figure, either European or Indigenous. Following Silvia Federici and Rita Segato’s studies on gender, I will focus on the readings that led Garcilaso to build his ideas about the ‘other’ in La Florida del Inca.Downloads
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Accepted 2018-04-10
Published 2018-12-12
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