Authorship and Gender Identity. Crossed Perspectives Regarding El Pensionado De Santa Casilda




El pensionado de Santa Casilda, Elena Fortún, Matilde Ras, Close Reading, Distant Reading, Stylometry


In 2022 the publishing house Renacimiento in its collection Biblioteca Elena Fortún published for the first time the novel El pensionado de Santa Casilda attributed to two writers: Elena Fortún (Madrid, 1886-1952) and Matilde Ras (Tarragona, 1881-Madrid, 1969). The original novel is signed with the pseudonym “Rosa María Castaños”. Documents attest that both writers agreed to write a novel with a lesbian theme and to use the same pseudonym to conceal their identities. The aim of this article is to find out the true authorship of El pensionado de Santa Casilda, the concealment of which is due to cultural impostures typical of the Silver Age. To this end, two cross-methodologies were used: the close reading of sources and comparison of the styles of the works of each of the authors; and the distant reading that compares these works with other period data following the principles of stylometry. The results do not coincide, and it would be risky to propose conclusively who is the author or authors of El pensionado de Santa Casilda.


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Fuentes documentales

Dorao, M. (1991). Cuaderno de notas. Archivo personal.

Fortún, E. (2016). Oculto sendero. Editorial Renacimiento.

Fortún, E. (2020a). Sabes quién soy. Cartas a Inés Field (Tomo I). Ediciones Renacimiento.

Fortún, E. (2020b). Mujer doliente. Cartas a Inés Field (Tomo II). Ediciones Renacimiento.

Fortún, E. y Ras, M. (2015). El camino es nuestro. Fundación Banco Santander.

Fortún, E. y Ras, M. (2022). El pensionado de Santa Casilda. Editorial Renacimiento.

Ras, M. (1913). Donde se bifurca el sendero. La Académica.

Ras, M. (1968). Heroísmos oscuros. Cid.

Ras, M. (1918). Quimeramia.(s. d.).

Ras, M. (1919). Traducciones de versos. Estvdio, (76), 48-50.

Ras, M. (1942). Charito y sus hermanas. Editorial Aguilar.

Ras, M. (2016). Cuentos de la Gran Guerra. Espuela de Plata.

Ras, M. (2018). Diario. Renacimiento.

Ras, M. (2020). Diccionario de Grafotecnia. En G. Belda García-Fresca y M. J. Claret López (Eds.). Autoedición.

X de R. C. (1919, enero). Quimeramia de Matilde Ras [Reseña del libro Quimeramia, por Matilde Ras]. La Lectura, 63.

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How to Cite

Romero López, D., Fraga, M. J. ., & Calvo Tello, J. (2024). Authorship and Gender Identity. Crossed Perspectives Regarding El Pensionado De Santa Casilda. Philologia Hispalensis, 38(2), 131–164.



Monographic Section
Received 2023-10-11
Accepted 2024-01-31
Published 2024-12-04
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