The Narrative by Manuel Fernández y González Facing the Literary Canon
Harold Bloom, Villafranca cycle, horizon of expectations, theory of genius, RomanticismAbstract
Harold Bloom’s literary canon generalizes in Bécquer, Galdós and Clarín the literary production in the Spanish language during the 19th century, which suggests an inexplicable gap in the novelists in that language from the Golden Age to literary realism, and more specifically in the era of Romanticism. The present work proposes to fill that gap by establishing the novelist Manuel Fernández y González as one the main novelists in Spanish prior to realist literature. To do this, and in view of how unsystematic the theory proposed by Bloom is, the concept of Jauss’s horizon of expectations has been used, added to González Maestro’s theory of genius, to give objective reasons that justify the canonical consideration of the writer proposed, and more specifically his most ambitious work, the Villafranca cycle.
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