Tourism in Huelva throughout the Urban Linguistic Landscape




Linguistic Landscape, sociolinguistics, top-down linguistic landscape, linguistics of tourism, linguistic ethnovitality


The region of Huelva has a particular socio-demographic characterization. As it has extensive coastal lands, it receives a significant number of tourists every year. Also, the province’s economic dedication to export agriculture means a constant migratory flow from Eastern European and African countries. The institutions are aware of this and, therefore, they design their communication with these segments of the population through the signs they emit and incorporate into the urban linguistic landscape of Huelva. In this study we quantify, classify, and analyze the top-down linguistic landscape to know the type of communication established by the institutions and to evaluate the situation of multilingualism that it generates in the cities of Huelva. Our results point to a greater interest on the part of the institutions rather in the tourist population and the economic repercussion of their leisure activities than in the migrant population and their needs for understanding administrative messages and messages of general interest.


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How to Cite

Heredia Mantis, M. (2024). Tourism in Huelva throughout the Urban Linguistic Landscape. Philologia Hispalensis, 38(1), 87–123.



Monographic Section
Received 2023-06-02
Accepted 2023-10-13
Published 2024-06-05
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