Possible Relationships between Temporality and Linguistic Landscape in Spanish
Linguistic Landscape, temporality, Spain, Historiography of Linguistics, History of the Spanish LanguageAbstract
Being defined temporality in Philosophy as “conscience of the present which enables to link past and future”, we pretend to explore those possible relationships of time with Linguistic Landscape (LL) in Spanish. In order to do that, we will perform a bibliographical review, explain our own reflections on the theme which will be illustrated with photos taken in different spots and times in Spain. The results detect three principle ways of likely relationship between temporality and LL in Spanish: 1) historiography of LL, i. e. how the studies on LL arise in the Hispanic world, from an anecdotal start to its present consolidation as a discipline by itself; 2) diachronic LL, a gaze focused on time passing is reflected in the LL, with normally very fast mutations, for which we will categorize some usual types of change; 3) diachrony in the LL, as long as signs from older stages of Spanish are preserved in the LL.
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