Gender and patriarchal capitalist structure in latin american theater
Latin American Theatre, Feminism, Capitalism, Patriarchy, Violence, GenderAbstract
This essay reflects on the latest feminist stage production from some Latin American countries, and proposes that, together with popular feminism, it is an ideological space that raises claims for gender justice, focusing on specific contemporary conflicts. The essay analyzes three issues: the scene as dramatic and visual metaphor of the restrictions that the patriarcal capitalist structure implies for the struggle for gender rights (Corners in the Sky and Mechanics); the displacement of the male suject from certain spaces and their occupation by non-male subjects as possible cause of gender violence (You will see y Femicide is Genocide), and finally, the feminist struggle in artivist collectives (ARDA, Lastesis and the Colombian Theater Corporation) with the characteristic of a new and powerful presence of the body in the actions, the emergence of spaces of appearance and affectivity that affirms and exhibits the feminist struggle in the spaces of power (abstract spaces). The essay concludes that this scene dialogues with the contemporary historical-political context and the symbolic-cultural associations, offers a far from naive perspective with new theatrical tools and a growing ideological subtlety.
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Accepted 2022-05-24
Published 2022-12-12
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