Social networks and interlanguage development in the acquisition of related languages




social network, vocabulary acquisition, Italian FL, error analysis, Facebook


The research presented in this article concerns the potential of social networks in a foreign language acquisition process. This study, which was carried out in a university context, aims at verifying if the use of social networks can have positive effects on students’ motivation, participation and involvement and if it reduces lexical errors in the target language. In order to test the initial hypotheses, we analysed and compared the lexical contents in the corpora generated by the comments made to 21 Facebook posts by two groups of participants: an experimental one (that had used the social network during the course) and a control one (that had never used any). The results show a decrease in lexical errors in the group that had used Facebook and this must be related to the specific dynamics of the social networks, which encourage cooperation, participation and motivation and, therefore, reveal their considerable potential in education.


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How to Cite

Ruggeri, F. (2022). Social networks and interlanguage development in the acquisition of related languages. Philologia Hispalensis, 36(1), 155–173.



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Received 2021-11-10
Accepted 2022-01-18
Published 2022-12-12
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