The adversative-concessive por eso in the informal Spanish of Catalonia




language contacts, dialectology, Spanish in Catalonia, discourse particles, por eso


The present study investigates the use and the meaning of the Spanish discourse particle por eso in the informal Spanish of Catalonia where apart from the literal meaning, it also has a lexicalised adversative-concessive sense. The investigation has been carried out by using the data extracted from an inquiry and a corpus elaborated specifically for the purpose of the study. The corpus consists of WhatsApp messages and in addition to exemplifying the use of the particle, it also serves as a database to determine the use and the sense of it. Four meanings are discovered: emphasising sense, adversative, concessive and adversative with sense of caution. The questionnaire, on the other hand, studies both the use and the sense of por eso and the informants’ perception and valuation of its normative character as well as the factors that have an influence on it. The majority think it is normative and with higher probability when the informant’s mother tongue is Catalan.


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How to Cite

Sandqvist, S. (2022). The adversative-concessive por eso in the informal Spanish of Catalonia. Philologia Hispalensis, 36(1), 109–126.
Received 2021-05-26
Accepted 2021-10-14
Published 2022-12-12
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