Aktionsart, agentividad y reciprocidad en español


  • Lucía Quintana Hernández




reciprocity, proto-agent, lexico-conceptual structure, Aktionsart


In Spanish, reciprocity is expressed either by means of inherent recip- rocal predicates or by predicates complemented by several reciprocal express- sions such as uno P otro (each other), entre sí (among them), and mutuamente (mutually).This article will focus on many of these constructions trying to clar- ify the common lexical characteristics which are indispensable to get the re- ciprocal interpretation. To reach that aim, we will pay special attention to the lexico-conceptual structure and to the lexical aspect, action mode or Aktion- sart of the predicates which get the reciprocal meaning. First, we will see the general lexical characteristics that these constructions show and whether those characteristics are possible with predicates of all sorts such as transitive, iner- gative and unaccusative. Afterwards, we will review the behavior of reciprocal constructions with different types of predicates paying attention to their lexical aspect or Aktionsart (states, activities, accomplishments, achievements).


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How to Cite

Quintana Hernández, L. (2010). Aktionsart, agentividad y reciprocidad en español. Philologia Hispalensis, 24(2). https://doi.org/10.12795/PH.2010.v24.i02.02



  • Abstract 181
  • PDF (Español (España)) 61