La poesía viaja a América: la “Alocución” lírica de Andrés Bello
Andrés Bello, poetry, American magazines, cultural autonomy, Philosophy of HistoryAbstract
A complete overview of the historical phenomenon of the Independenceof Latin American countries cannot disregard the poetic universe. The
great Venezuelan humanist and polygraph Andrés Bello published the “silva”
“Alocución a la Poesía” in the magazine he founded during his nineteen-year
stay in London, the legendary Biblioteca Americana, in its first issue in 1823.
This article recovers that publication and analyzes its compositional, formal
and historic elements. In it, Bello claims the journey of poetry to the promised
land of America, where it will renew its energies, withered in the Old World,
and contribute to strengthen the “cultural autonomy”, companion and guide of
the “political autonomy” of “Nuestra América”.
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