La problemática de la traducción de la terminología jurídica en el libro "Manual de traducción jurídica Árabe-Español"


  • Ziyad Mohammad Gogazeh



Legal translation, Arabic, Spanish, terminology, problems


The current study approaches the difficulties and the problems encountered in the translation of the terminology of the Arabic legal documents in our book Manual de traducción jurídica published in Spain. The present article talks about the legal system in Jordan and Spain, as well as the legal language and the structure of the legal documents in both countries, including all those used in the Manual. The final part exposes the difficulties encountered in the book, in addition to the techniques of adequacy which we employed to resolve these difficulties.


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How to Cite

Mohammad Gogazeh, Z. (2014). La problemática de la traducción de la terminología jurídica en el libro "Manual de traducción jurídica Árabe-Español". Philologia Hispalensis, 28(1).



  • Abstract 378
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