Beliefs and attitudes of young University students from Warsaw towards the andalusian variety of spanish




PRECAVES XXI, Spanish as Foreign Language students, beliefs, attitudes, sociolinguistics


This article analyses the attitudes and beliefs of Hispanic Studies undergraduate students, enrolled in the first courses, from the University of Warsaw (Poland), through the tools provided by the PRECAVES XXI project, towards the Andalusian variety of Spanish. The interest of the study resides in knowing the subjective evaluations on linguistic prestige of the local modalities of Spanish in a group mainly composed of future professionals of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). The case of the Warsaw University of Warsaw students is also interesting, since the Polish capital has one of the highest demands in the world for Spanish classes. The most notable result is a generalised lack of knowledge of the varieties of Spanish, perhaps with the exception of Rioplatense and Castilian, and the incipient formation of a stereotype of the Castilian as the most prestigious dialect and, specifically, the Castilian spoken in Madrid. The Andalusian dialect is not recognised and is not considered to be prestigious by the respondents.


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Author Biographies

Marcin Sosinski, University of Granada

Full Professor in the Department of Spanish Language

Edyta Waluch de la Torre, University of Granada

Senior Lecturer in the Spanish Language Department


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How to Cite

Sosinski, M., & Waluch de la Torre, E. (2021). Beliefs and attitudes of young University students from Warsaw towards the andalusian variety of spanish. Philologia Hispalensis, 35(1), 193–214.
Received 2020-09-21
Accepted 2020-11-04
Published 2021-12-21
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