Mohamed Choukri: From the Transgression of Borders to Amalgamed Writing




Transgression, borders, revealing, amalgamated writing.


The core of this article revolves around the idea of ​​border transgression and its influence in French-speaking Moroccan literature. For Michel Foucault (1963), the transgression is doomed to test the limit, to cross it and to reveal it. A revelation linked to the violence and primitive impulses pushing the being to deviance and the disintegration of laws, standards that govern a specific community. This revelation inserts the work of Choukri in the line of the transgression of borders and the unveiling of the rules that govern a community. A type of transgression that symbolizes a meeting between the limit and the unlimited, between standards and their surpassing. A revolt that lets glimpse the most primitive side of human beings going through violence until you reach frenzied sexuality. A transgressive narrative with amalgamated writing capable of revealing the stifling context t from colonial and postcolonial Morocco.


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How to Cite

Diosdado, M. S. (2020). Mohamed Choukri: From the Transgression of Borders to Amalgamed Writing. Philologia Hispalensis, 34(2), 67–89.
Received 2020-09-13
Accepted 2020-11-10
Published 2020-12-17
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