From Language Teachers to Language Learning Advisors: A Journey Map




Advising in language learning, reflective dialogue, advising skills and competences


This article examines the development of the practice of advising in language learning (ALL) and the establishment of a distinctive role for advisors over the last three decades. It firstly defines ALL, its principles, as well as interdisciplinary contributions from, inter alia, counselling, psychology, and coaching to the construction of reflective dialogue at the heart of advising. Secondly, it discusses the evolution from two distinctive practices (teaching and advising) into a more highly integrated, mindful, professional practice of people in interaction and reflection advisors’ skills and competences in relation to intentional use of dialogic choices (intentional reflective dialogue) as enablers, or blockers, in successful, sustained learning conversations. Afterwards, it illustrates advisors’ professional development stories and their professional needs. It then identifies areas for further research and further developing the professional preparation of ALL practitioners. It concludes by reflecting on the challenges facing universities, and the opportunities which ALL may offer.


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How to Cite

Mozzon-McPherson, M. ., & Tassinari, M. G. (2020). From Language Teachers to Language Learning Advisors: A Journey Map. Philologia Hispalensis, 34(1), 121–139.
Received 2020-06-17
Accepted 2020-09-21
Published 2020-12-17
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