Linguistic perception of andalusian among majorcan university students




linguistic attitudes, Andalusian variety, PRECAVES XXI, prestige, solidarity


The linguistic attitudes of the different groups of speakers explain many of their communicative actions and their linguistic ideals. This research, framed in the PRECAVES XXI project, has focused on determining through a questionnaire the attitudes towards the Andalusian of a group of young Majorcan students of philology. The main results suggest that informants identify the Andalusian varieties, but they tend to rank the language and position their own variety to be the (most prestigious) linguistic model. This fact does not prevent, however, that a positive perception of the Andalusian is observed, mainly in the direct assessment of the variety. Lastly, in the opinion of the informants, a very high degree of proximity between the Andalusian and the Spanish variety, Castilian, has not been obtained.


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How to Cite

Méndez Guerrero, B. (2021). Linguistic perception of andalusian among majorcan university students. Philologia Hispalensis, 35(1), 143–169.
Received 2020-06-06
Accepted 2020-07-31
Published 2021-12-21
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