Constraints of Reflection in Foreign Language Learning




Reflection, autonomy, foreign language anxiety, cognitive overload, learning inhibitors


Since the Enlightenment, considerations around reflection were made ex negative, describing its constraints. Therefore, in approaching reflection on foreign language learning, one cannot apply philosophical definitions without asking what are the specific constraints in this field. In this contribution, three determining factors for reflection in language learning are described: 1. Linguistic cognitive overload accompanied by foreign language anxiety can inhibit and frustrate reflection in the interlanguage phases; 2. The difficulty of modifying learning habits related to self-organization and self-perception can slow down or even block reflection on learning; 3. Without a reflective practice teachers hardly will overcome both difficulties. But if they do, the learning of foreign languages probably contributes to an education that promotes a critical reflection on the beliefs of the own culture.


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How to Cite

Koch, L. T. (2020). Constraints of Reflection in Foreign Language Learning. Philologia Hispalensis, 34(1), 63–78.
Received 2020-05-17
Accepted 2020-07-31
Published 2020-12-17
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