Frome leonese to castilian scriptae in medieval documents of the monastery san pedro de eslonza. Romance writings <y, ll> and <j, i> for lat. <-Li->, diachrony, lexical diffusion and frequency factors
The present paper studies castilianization processes in Leonese scriptae from the monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza and it’s surroundings between 1241 and 1399 focussing on Romance writings for the respective sounds originating in lat. -li-. We will show, that the process is not only relatively abrupt, but also follows a lexical diffusion depending on the frequency of the lexemes in question. The graphemes <y, ll> are probably the most eyecatching characteristic of Leonese scriptae, their eventual substitution by Castilian graphemes of the type <j, i> therefore provides the researcher with an excellent basis for the investigation of the mentioned castilianization. The arrival of Castilian writing systems in the –then former– Kingdom of León marks the first step towards a Castilian (later Spanish) written language in what later on will be the Realm of the Kingdom of Spain.
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Accepted 2019-12-09
Published 2019-12-29
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