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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in this guideline. Otherwise, it will not be accepted.

    Ethical Commitment | Philologia Hispalensis (

  • The author's name and any possible reference that may reveal who the author of the article is has been removed from the text. When the text is sent to the peer evaluation section, follow the instructions included in Ensuring an Anonymous Evaluation.

  • Bibliographic references section, whenever possible, URLs and DOIs are provided for references and access dates (please, check

  • When registering your data, you add your mailing address for future shipment of a copy of the publication. 

  • In the language of the article and in English, the first page will only include the ARTICLE TITLE (upper case bold), TITLE IN ENGLISH (upper case), Running head (italics) [abbreviated title for the header of alternate pages with a maximum length of 80 characters (including spaces)], Summary and Abstract (in small caps) [approx.150-180 words], and Keywords (in small rounded typeface) [5 words].

    They present the following structure:

    ARTICLE TITLE [bold capital letters] (centred)
    TITLE IN ENGLISH [capital letters] (centred)
    Running head [italics]
    Resumen [small caps]
    Palabras clave [small rounded typeface]
    Abstract [small caps] 
    Keywords [small rounded typeface]

    Note: Please, present a structured abstract. This means that its content reflects a basic structure: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions. 

  • The structure of research articles (headings) should follow, as far as possible, the model detailed below: Introduction, Theory, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic References. A combined Results and Discussion, or Discussion and Conclusions section, may also be appropriate.

  • If the article is written by more than one author, the criterion chosen to decide the order of authorship and the specific contribution made by each of them to the work submitted must be stated. This information must be included at the end of the article, after the References section, and should be headed by AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS.

  • Also, where appropriate, the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research leading to the publication was carried out should be acknowledged. This information must also be included in a note on the first page of the article.

  • Similarly, any other support received (administrative, technical, etc.) that is not covered in the funding section (note) may also be acknowledged in the note.

  • When submitting a review, the author must take into account that:

    a. The bibliographic reference of the book that is reviewed must include the number of pages, the collection and the ISBN.

    For example:

    Juan Antonio Chavarría Vargas/Virgilio Martínez Enamorado: From Ragua a Sacratif. Miscelánea de topónimos andalusíes al sur de Granada [italics]. Helsinki: Academia Scientiarum Fennica, 2009, 152 pp. ISBN: 978-84-7635-869-6.

    b. The name of the author of the review, as well as the Institution, the email address and the ORCID reference will appear at the end of it.

    Name Surnames

  • Brill font since it has all the necessary characters for the transcription in Latin characters.

    Instructions to download the Brill font: in the link Brill Typeface click on “CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE NEW BRILL TYPEFACE” > Click on “I agree” to accept the source terms of use. A new page will open, where you can download the file Once downloaded, only copy or drag the ttf files. from the source to the “Sources” folder of the computer [in: Control panel > Sources]. It is important to remember that you only have to transfer the files in .ttf format. [4 files: Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic].

    Note: The download is effective for both Windows and Mac, although the website outlines that in the case of Mac there may be problems downloading in certain browsers (especially Firefox). As observed in footnotes at Download The Brill Typeface , to download with Mac you have to right Control-Click on the links with .ttf extension and then “Save as”.

    If installed correctly, Brill should appear in the font catalogue of the word processor.

  • The maximum length of the article is 20 pages. The maximum length of reviews is 5 pages

  • Currently, Philologia Hispalensis follows the rules for bibliographic references established by the American Psychological Association (APA) 2020 (7th edition), as it is among the most important academic standards for scientific knowledge. For more information, refer to the following link (References): Reference examples (

Author Guidelines

Observations on registration on the platform and submission of the article

Authors must  Sign up before submitting a text or, if they are already registered, they can simply Log in and start the submission process in four steps: (1) enter the submission data, (2) upload the document in editable format (Word and PDF), (3) enter the article metadata, (4) confirm its submission.

The author must take into account that:

1. It is compulsory to include in OJS:

  1. The ORCID digital identification code in your article (alphanumeric non-commercial code that uniquely identifies scientists and other academic authors:
  2. The author's institutional email is included in the article (personal emails are not allowed).

2. The article is sent in two formats: Microsoft Word (extension .doc) and PDF. Likewise, the autor must also fill in, sign and send the Declaration of Authorship, Good practices and Transfer of Rights form.

3. Since the journal is published in both electronic and paper format, many of the personal style marks disappear during the layout process, so please only follow the rules indicated below to avoid this.



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.