Peer review process



In compliance with these best practices, Laboratorio de Arte has published its review system for selecting articles, as well as the evaluation criteria to be applied by external reviewers—anonymous and peer reviewers- who are not members of the Editorial Board, to the Institution and to the authors. The criteria are based exclusively on the scientific relevance of the article, originality, clarity and relevance of the work presented. Laboratorio de Arte keeps these criteria updated.

When the Editorial Board of the journal Laboratorio de Arte has verified that the article fulfils the standards relating to style and content indicated in the instructions for authors, the article will be sent to two anonymous experts, no belonging to the Editorial Board,  to the Institution and to the authors, within the specific field of art history investigation, for a double blind review. When one of the two evaluations is negative, a third report will be requested.

The assessment will be influenced by the interest ot the article, its contribution to knowledge of the subject matter, its innovative contribution, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographical references used, its correct writing, etc., and it will provide recommendations, if any, for possible improvement.
Based on the degree of compliance with the modifications requested, the Editorial Board will decide on whether or not the publication of the article should proceed. Such decision (publication without changes; publication with minor corrections; publication with significant corrections; not advisable for its publication) will be communicated to the main author by the Secretary of the magazine, as well as the observations and comments of the reviewers.
If the manuscript has been accepted with modifications, the authors will have to resubmit a new version of the article, addressing the requirements and suggestions of the external reviewers. The articles with significant corrections can be sent to the Editorial Board for verification of the validity of the modifications made by the author.
Considering the degree of compliance with the requested changes, the Editorial Board shall decide whether or not the article is published. This decision will be communicated to the author by the Secretary of the journal.