



Women Artists, Sculpture, Cid Campeador, Hispanic Society, Seville


The American Anna Hyatt (1876-1973) is the author of emblematic sculptures such as the equestrian statue of the Cid Campeador. After marrying Archer Milton Huntington (1870-1955), founder of the Hispanic Society of America, she shared with the philanthropist his love for Hispanicism. The statue inaugurated in 1927 was located in front of the façade of the Hispanic Museum in New York. The newspaper La Nación highlighted who the Cid had “resurrected” on the banks of the Hudson. A double resurrection, then, at the same time a replica was inaugurated in Seville during the Ibero-American Exposition. The patronage of the Huntington couple spread throughout Spain and numerous works by Hyatt are preserved, among which the statue of El Cid stands out.


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Received 2022-01-08
Accepted 2023-03-19
Published 2023-10-01