
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Include ORCID
  • The submission has not been previously published or considered by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The submission file with the article text is in Word program for Windows
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in the style rules
  • A document is provided with the captions of the photographs duly numbered.
  • Images will be of high quality to allow optimal reproduction and must be delivered in digital format (JPEG/TIF 300 dpi). They will be sent in an individual and duly numbered file.
  • Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
  • In all sections of the article and varia, the works will be submitted to peer review, according to the instructions included in Ensuring anonymous review.
  • Courtesy page with author data

Author Guidelines


The studies must belong to the scientific field of Art History, with a prevalence of studies on the History of Sevillian, Andalusian, Spanish and Ibero-American Art, from Antiquity to the present day.

The studies must be unpublished and not be in the process of being reviewed or published elsewhere.

Papers must be submitted in Spanish, English, French, Italian and Portuguese, although the editorial board may consider the possibility of accepting texts in other languages of the European Union.


Originals shall be sent through the OJS platform to:

Authors must log into the system and follow the steps indicated therein. Introduction of metadata in Spanish and English (including, title, summary and key words) is mandatory as is the ORCID code.

In order to be able to make a submission or track its status, it is necessary to “Register” (upper right corner of the screen) with a user name and password.

When submitting an article, in “Step 3. Enter Metadata”, enter author first name, surnames, email address and ORCID ID (obtained by registering at Also include the title of the article, abstract and keywords, all in both Spanish and in English. Select the language “Spanish” in the box at the top of the page and enter details in Spanish. Next, select the language English in the same box and enter the details in this language.

The box “Affiliation” should be completed, if applicable, with the name of the academic or scientific institution the author belongs to. Authors who do not belong to any academic or scientific institution must identify themselves as "independent researcher".

Likewise, it is mandatory to introduce in CITATIONS the list of all bibliographical references that are included in the study, in a similar way to how they appear in the Bibliography section.


All the works will be sent in MS-Word for Windows, adjusted to the DIN-A4 page size, written in font Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing. Footnotes page will have a size of 10 points and simple line spacing.

Images will be accepted in JPEG or TIF digital format and a minimum image resolution of 300 ppp.

All the texts will be sent anonymously and following the model determined in each of the sections.

The texts and images must omit information that allows the identification of the author to guarantee blind peer review.


The author must provide a courtesy page with the following information:

  • Title of the paper
  • Personal data: name and surname, affiliation, email, telephone, postal address and ORCID academic profile.
  • Brief curriculum vitae (maximum 100 words).
  • Financing of the study, if any.
302 / 5.000

Resultados de traducción

Resultado de traducción

In the event that the article or variant is written by more than one author, each of them must complete a courtesy page. In addition, they must clearly inform about the criteria chosen to decide the order of the signature and the specific contribution made by each author.



The maximum length of the complete document will be 60.000 characters, including title, abstracts and keywords in both languages, notes, bibliography.

The header of the first page must include:

  • Title of the work in Spanish (in lowercase, centered alignment, with Times New Roman font, size 16 points).
  • Title in English (lowercase, centered alignment, Times New Roman font, size 14 points).
  • Abstract in Spanish with a maximum of 120 words (headed by the title "Abstract" and text in Times New Roman, size 10, single spaced).
  • Abstract in English with a maximum of 120 words (headed by the title "Abstract" and text in Times New Roman, size 10 points, single spacing).
  • Five keywords in Spanish, separated by semicolons (headed by the title "Palabras clave:", and text in Times New Roman, size 10 points, single spaced).
  • Five keywords in English, separated by semicolons (headed by the title "Keywords:" text in Times New Roman, size 10 points, single spacing).

In the event that the article is written in English or another of the languages accepted by the journal, the title, abstract, and keywords in Spanish will be provided.

Body of text will have a free structure according to the investigation and can be divided into chapters or subchapters if desired. The subtitles will be in Times New Roman, size 12 points, in lowercase and in bold. The last section is the Bibliography.

If textual citations are included in the writing, they must appear between tall quotation marks(""). If the quote occupies more than five lines, it will be presented in the form of an indented paragraph and a body letter smaller than 1 point.

The deletion of words, lines or paragraphs within the quote will be indicated with ellipses between square brackets [...].

Number of photographs: The maximum number of images accepted for each article will be 8, which must be of good quality, bearing in mind the type of digital format indicated and its resolution. The photographs must be numbered correlatively and contain calls in the text, with the following format: (Figure 1). (see Instructions for sending images).

Photo captions: The photo caption must be brief, containing the following mentions, and in this order: author, title of the work (in italics), chronology, location, owner and inventory number (if it belongs to a museographic collection). .

Financing of the study: In the event that the article has been the result of participation in a Project or of the granting of public or private financing, the title of these, the financing body and the key or code will be indicated. that identifies them. Such data will be indicated on the courtesy page.

Notes: The citation system used is that of footnotes, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and located in the text before punctuation marks, adjusting to the style rules detailed below. These notes will have a size of 10 points, written in Times New Roman and line spacing. Chicago-Deusto Manual of Style

Bibliography: it is recommended to incorporate updated bibliographical references. Only those that have been cited in the body of the text will appear. They will be arranged alphabetically with no blank line between each entry. The author undertakes to review it after the peer review in case there has been any modification, omission or addition. Chicago-Deusto Manual of Style

The texts in this section are evaluated by blind peers.


They should not exceed 30.000 characters including title, abstracts, keywords, body of the text, notes and bibliography.

The maximum number of images will be 4 (see Instructions for sending images).

The indications for the title, abstracts and keywords of the Articles section will be followed. The structure of the Varia will be: title, body of text (with notes) and bibliography.

For the caption of photography, the indications of the Articles section will be followed.

The texts in this section are evaluated by blind peers.


These should not exceed 8.000 characters. The document must open with complete information of the book under review: Title (in italics). Author (surname in capital letters and name), publishers, city, year and ISBN. The document should close with the full name of the author and their institutional affiliation (University or study centre).

An image of the front cover of the book should be sent separately. (See instructions for sending of images).

They must be sent to the email

The texts in this section will be selected by the Editorial Board; they do not go through blind peer review.



The citation system used by the journal is that of Harvard, although using footnotes, numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and placed in the text before the punctuation marks, adhering to the following rules:

  • Monographs, conference proceedings, exhibition catalogs, book chapters or articles will appear only in summary:

                       Surname year, pages.

                       Example: Sanz Serrano 1976, 120-124.

  • References to different works by the same author will be separated with a semicolon, without re-indicating their surnames:

                       Example: Cómez Ramos 2014, 163-165; 2015, 26; 2016, 234-236.

  • Works by the same author published in the same year will be differentiated by adding one letter per year:

                        Example: Roda Peña 2016a, 34-38; 2016b, 345-350.

  • If several authors are included in the same bibliographic reference, they will be cited one after the other separated by a semicolon:

                        Example: Santos Márquez 2012, 448-467; Ros González 2013, 89-93.

  • If a bibliographic reference has more than one author, they will be separated by a slash:

                        Example:       http://archivoespañ 2/1084 (30-3-2019)

  • References to primary sources will appear only in the notes and not in the bibliography. In the first mention, the developed name of the file will appear, followed by the initials prefixed by it in parentheses, which will be used in subsequent citations, as well as the references necessary for the precise location of the document in question.

                       Example: Archivo Histórico Provincial de Sevilla (AHPSe), section, file, trade, book, year, folios (f. ff., s.f.).

  • Comments or clarifications to the text that are considered will also be included in the footnotes.
  • The formulas idem, ibidem, infra, supra, ss, id., Op will not be used. cit., cfr, and the like.


A complete bibliographic list will be included at the end of the text, ordered alphabetically and also written in Times New Roman font with a size of 12 points and a space and a half spacing. Only publications that have been used and are cited in footnote references should appear. They will take the following form:

* For monographs and collective volumes:

Surname, Name. Year. Title. Publishing place: Editorial.

Surname, Name and Name Surname. Year. Title. Publishing place: Editorial.

Surname, Name, eds. Year. Title. Publishing place: Editorial.


Feros, Antonio. 2002. El duque de Lerma. Realeza y privanza en la España de Felipe III. Madrid: Marcial Pons.

Quiles García, Fernando and Ignacio Cano Rivero. 2006. Bernardo Lorente Germán y la pintura sevillana de su tiempo (1680-1759). Madrid: Fernando Villaverde.

Falomir Faus, Miguel, ed. 2008. El retrato del Renacimiento. Madrid: Museo del Prado.

* For chapters and contributions in collective volumes and catalogs:

Surname, Name. Year. "Title". In Title, ed. for Name Surname, vol., xx-xx. Publishing place: Editorial.

* For magazine papers: 

Surname, Name. year. "Title". Magazine, xx [issue]: xx-xx. Examples:

Roda Peña, José. 2001. “Valdés Leal, escultor. Aportación a su catálogo”. Laboratorio de Arte 14: 51-64.

Cornejo Vega, Francisco J. 2006. “Noticias de Francisco de Herrera el Viejo en Madrid y del retablo mayor del Colegio de San Basilio, de Sevilla”. Archivo Español de Arte 79 (316): 355-370.

In the case of several works by the same author, they will be ordered chronologically, each time including the author's surname and name. Works by the same author, published in the same year, will be differentiated by adding one letter per year.


Images must be digital, at 300 dpi. and the image file may be TIF or JPG.

Those that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.

Each photograph will be uploaded to OJS in an individual file. The photographs must be numbered correlatively and contain calls in the text, with the following format: (Figure 1).

If the images are larger than the size allowed by the OJS system, they can be sent directly to the email address

The author must attach the captions of the photographs in a Word document as indicated in the Articles section.

The authors of the works are exclusively responsible for the reproduction rights of the images.


Laboratorio de Arte magazine manages the entire editorial process through the OJS platform.

The Editorial Board will reply to the authors on the admission for processing of their text within a month (not including holiday periods), without prejudice to the subsequent publication decision based on the reports by the external evaluators. Admission for processing will be subject to the compliance of these “Author Guidelines for Manuscript Submission” and to the initial assessment of the article by the Editorial Board itself.

When the Editorial Board of the journal Laboratorio de Arte has verified that the article fulfils the standards relating to style and content indicated in the instructions for authors, the article will be sent to two anonymous experts, no belonging to the Editorial Board,  to the Institution and to the authors, within the specific field of art history investigation, for a double blind review. When one of the two evaluations is negative, a third report will be requested.

The assessment will be influenced by the interest ot the article, its contribution to knowledge of the subject matter, its innovative contribution, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographical references used, its correct writing, etc., and it will provide recommendations, if any, for possible improvement.

Based on the degree of compliance with the modifications requested, the Editorial Board will decide on whether or not the publication of the article should proceed. Such decision (publication without changes; publication with minor corrections; publication with significant corrections; not advisable for its publication) will be communicated to the main author by the Secretary of the magazine, as well as the observations and comments of the reviewers.

If the manuscript has been accepted with modifications, the authors will have to resubmit a new version of the article, addressing the requirements and suggestions of the external reviewers. The articles with significant corrections can be sent to the Editorial Board for verification of the validity of the modifications made by the author.

Considering the degree of compliance with the requested changes, the Editorial Board shall decide whether or not the article is published. This decision will be communicated to the author by the Secretary of the journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, and Regulation 1720/2007, of December 21, its development, the Editorial informs that the data information obtained through the forms included in this website will be archived in an automated file of personal data created by and for the Publisher, with the purpose of carrying out the maintenance, management and information of the users who use the services of our Portal.

By accepting these conditions, the User expressly consents to the use of their personal data, solely and exclusively by the Publisher, for promotional or commercial purposes.

In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law, as a user of the Publisher's website, you may at any time exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by communicating it in writing to the address Plaza de San Benito, nº. 2, 37002 SEVILLA, or through our email address: correo-e:

By virtue of Royal Decree 994/1999 of July 11, which approves the Regulation of Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, the Publishing House undertakes to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data and to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.