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No. 61

Deleuze and Žižek, a Vision of Parallax

April 1, 2019


In this research work the ontological positions of both Deleuze and Žižek will be analyzed, Deleuze argues that the lack, or the being of negation, is an error of representative understanding, while Žižek conceives his philosophy as driven by the absolute lack. Hegel a forerunner of Žižek is an absolute opponent of Deleuze’s thinking. However, Žižek reflects the concepts of Deleuze in his Lacanian reading of Hegel, while these concepts retain identical terms. For example, Žižek calls “l’objet petit a” to the concept of “difference”, while his term for absolute negation is “repetition” and, finally, refers to his philosophical system as No-all. These unique concepts in Žižek›s thought share a language identical to that of Deleuze. Deleuze’s philosophy is one of “difference”, while his mode of proliferation is “repetition” and, finally, he often refers to his philosophy as “One-All”.


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