Suárez's Disputationes Metaphysicae are the meeting point of two ontological lines, the energeticist and the dynamicist, threatened by the Ockhamist nominalism also regarded in the work, with no other tangency possible than an innovative redirection of the formal unity (in natura rei ante operationem intellectus) to esse simplicissimum et primum omnium for the sake of an autonomous scientia perfecta et a priori (cognitio rerum per propria earum principia et causa), incompatible with the orthodox syntax of the actus essendi but akin to an early ontology of the res a ratitudine. The axes of the systematic science of the ens in quantum ens reale as obiectum adaequatum metaphysicae that Doctor Eximius advocates draw an unbalanced solution of a commitment between the announced lines, suspicious of moderate realism in its praecisio obiectiva to the universality in re (the ex parte rei separated existence of the universal would reduce the individual to a mere accident in an indivisible way).
The distinctio rationis ratiocinatae between essence and existence in the created beings, the individuation per intrinsecum and the possibility of its direct knowledge or the understanding of the entity ut sic as conceptus obiectivum (ratio obiective entis ut sic), contracted representation quoad nos –sub denominatione intellectus - of the basal motive of metaphysics with rigorous cognitive priority (prima et abstractissima omnium) whose content would encrypt the esse reale deflection to the esse essentiae, are indebted to one or the other program, revealing an effort of synthesis that is emerging as a threshold of modernity.
This essay proposes, in an original analysis barely clouded by classical hermeneutical keys, four thematic nodes leading to the Disputationes.
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