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No. 64

The Uncanny threatens all living matter in the Carceri d’ivenzioni (1745-1760) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi

June 3, 2021


The space represented in the etchings Carceri d’ivenzioni (1745-1760) by Giovanni Battista Piranesi seems to surround and dissolve the human figure. It sets up a hostile and beligerant habitat towards all living things by introducing changes in the traditional concept of prison using fathomless depths and endless spaces. The uncanny sensation arises due to the association of the background with all inanimate things in the frame, forming an interior landscape that seems to have been endowed with life, therefore, It intimidates all living matter it contains. In addition, we might also point out that these images are quite current. Hence, they could be part of any postmodern dystopian film production. We will try to demonstrate these hypotheses throughout this article applaying a textual analysis of the Carceri d’ivenzioni.


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