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No. 60

The Philosophy of human face in Max Picard

August 28, 2019


Max Picard's philosophical reflections are, unfortunately, very little known in our days. However, it is an original thinker, with a peculiar style and author of unique philosophical works that decisively influenced the development of contemporary philosophy, especially in the field of philosophical anthropology and the understanding of the limits of the Modernity. The focus of this paer is to offer an analysis from an antropological perspective of the concept of the human face, based on its manifestation as Imago Dei, to demonstrate the importance of this concept in the understanding of the human person as a spiritual unity and as a manifestation of the eternal in time.


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  8. Lévinas, E.: Proper Names. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996.
  9. Moore, M. E.: “Meditation on the Face in the Middle Ages (with Lévinas and Picard)” en Literature and Theology, Vol. 24, no. 1. 2010. (consultado el 20 de marzo de 2019).
  10. Navarro, O.: “El rostro del otro: una lectura de la ética de la alteridad de Emmanuel Lévinas”, Contrastes. Revista Internacional de filosofía, vol. XVIII, 2008, (consultado el 26 de marzo de 2019).
  11. Picard, M.: The Human Face. USA: Cassell and Company Limited, 1993.
  12. Picard, M.: L’ultimo volto dell’uomo. Maschere mortuarie da Shakespeare a Nietzsche. Milano: Ed. Servitium, 2015.
  13. Picard, M.: L’atomizzazione della persona, trad, en italiano de Franceso Ghia en Come all’inizo del mundo. Il pensiero di Max Picard. Editado por Silvano Zucal y Daniele Vinci. Pontificia Facoltà Teologica di Sardegna: Ed. Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, 2011.
  14. Picard, M.: Man and Language. (Der Mensch und das Wort) trad. Stanley Godman, Chicago: Ed. Gateway, 1963.
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  16. Quintás, A. L.: Estética de la creatividad. Madrid: Ed. Rialp,1998.


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