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About the Journal

Focus and scope

ISSN: 0212-8365

e-ISSN: 2253-900X

In its pages you can find works from all philosophical disciplines: History of Philosophy, Metaphysics, Gnoseology, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of History, Philosophy of Culture, etc.

Thémata Revista de Filosofía was born in 1983 with the intention of providing researchers in philosophy with a channel to publish their work and to promote an open dialogue deprived of ideological bias. In the beginning, the Universities of Murcia, Málaga and Seville participated in the project, but soon a group of teachers from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Seville remained as managers of the journal.

A constant concern of its editors has been to promote interdisciplinary approaches. The journal has always been open to collaborators from all latitudes and has covered the entire spectrum of philosophy. The varied list of authors who have published on its pages constitutes a good proof of this. 

Themata has also wanted to be very flexible when it comes to hosting new projects, fostering discussions on controversial issues and promoting new philosophical values. For this reason, young researchers have always found the doors of the journal wide open.

Double blind evaluation process

All sections are evaluated. The editorial committee initially decides if the article is appropriate for the journal. In the case of research articles (Studies), when proposals are not rejected by the committee, the deputy management chooses expert evaluators in the matter in a thorough evaluation process that unfolds as follows:

Dual evaluation

The review of each article will be carried out by two expert evaluators who will advise on its publication.

Blind evaluation

To ensure transparency, the reviewers do not know each other nor do they know the identity of the assessed author.

Privacy statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.

External evaluators

More than 80% of the evaluators are external to the journal and to the University of Seville, most of them are doctoral professors belonging to international research institutions. If they wish, the authors may propose external experts who are experts in the field. In the case of monographic sections and special volumes, the Editorial Team and the coordinators of the issue may propose other evaluators specialized in the matter in question. At the end of each year a list will be published with the evaluators of the numbers for each semester.

Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Thémata follows the Open Access Journal policy and joins the association of participating journals through the Public Knowledge Project, a non-profit initiative of the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia.

Thémata aims to give the widest possible diffusion to any work of sufficient quality, published in any medium with more limited diffusion. In this way, researchers and institutions that would otherwise be marginalized are integrated into an open universal scientific dialogue.

Publication frequency

Thémata Revista de Filosofía is published each semester, alternating monographic issues (where anthropological and cosmological issues predominate) and miscellaneous issues, which provide the reader with a representative overview of the direction of philosophy in Europe and America. The journal also devotes extensive attention to the examination and criticism of bibliographic novelties, the edition of unpublished classic texts, the philosophical creation and the publication of specialized bibliographic casts.


Thémata Revista de Filosofía accepts articles in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, English, Italian, German, Portuguese and French.

Sale and subscription

If you wish to subscribe or purchase a single copy, please contact by email


The opinions and facts consigned in each article are the sole responsibility of their authors. The University of Seville and Thémata are not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity of the works.

Information Services and Databases

Thémata Revista de Filosofía is systematically collected by the following Databases and Bibliographic Repertories:

  • Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Group-Clarivate Analytics)
  • Journal Citation Indicator JCR/JCI (Web of Science Group-Clarivate Analytics): Q4
  • Dialnet (España): IDR 2019 Cuartil 1 (15 de 98) y 2020 Cuartil C2 (25 de 98)
  • Francis, Philosophie. INIST-CNRS (France)
  • Philosopher's Index (Bowling Green, OH, USA)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  • Repertoire Bibliographique de Philosophie (Louvain, Belgique)
  • Ulrich's Internacional Periodicals Directory (New York, USA)
  • DialogJournalNameFinder (Palo Alto, CA, USA)
  • Periodicals Index Online (Michigan, USA)
  • Index Copernicus World of Journals
  • Gale-Cengage Learning-Informe Académico
  • Academic Journal Database
  • Google Scholar
  • Electra
  • Bulletin signaletique. Philosophie, CNRS (France)

National libraries:

  • ISOC - Filosofía. CINDOC (España)

Journal Quality Evaluation:

  • CARHUS Plus
  • ERIH PLUS Philosophy (2016)
  • REDIB (Ranking: Q2)
  • Catálogo Latindex 2.0
  • MIAR: ICDS 2021= 10.0
  • CIRC: B (Ciencias Humanas)
  • DICE

Ethical statement on publication and good practices

The editorial staff of the journal Thémata is committed to the scientific community to guarantee the ethics and quality of the articles published. Our journal is based on the Code of Conduct and Good Practices defined by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE) for editors of scientific journals. At the same time, it guarantees an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, ensuring the quality of what is published, protecting and respecting the content of the articles, as well as their integrity. The Editorial Committee undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

In compliance with these good practices, Thémata has, as has been explained, a system for selecting articles that are reviewed by external evaluators – double and anonymous – with criteria based exclusively on the scientific relevance of the article, originality, clarity and relevance of the work presented. Thémata guarantees at all times the confidentiality of the evaluation process, the anonymity of the evaluators and the authors, the evaluated content, the reasoned report issued by the evaluators and any other communication issued by the editorial, advisory and scientific boards if appropriate. In the same way, confidentiality will be maintained in the event of possible clarifications, claims or complaints that an author wishes to send to the journal committees or to the article reviewers.

Thémata declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of the works already published. For this reason, plagiarism is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as plagiarism or their content is fraudulent, will be removed from the journal if they have already been published or will not be published. The journal will act in these cases as quickly as possible. By accepting the terms and agreements expressed by our journal, the authors must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original or do not infringe copyrights. The authors also have to justify that, in the case of shared authorship, there was a full consensus of all affected authors and that it has not been previously presented or published in another media outlet.

Thémata will not charge authors any fees for the submission or submission of articles, nor will they charge any fees for their publication.

Author Rights

Contributions published in this journal are subject to the following terms:

1. The Editorial Universidad de Sevilla preserves the patrimonial rights (copyright) of the published works, and encourages and allows their reuse under the license of use indicated in point 2.

2. The works are published in the electronic edition of the journal under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (legal text). They can be copied, used, disseminated, transmitted and publicly exhibited, provided that: i) the authorship and original source of their publication (journal, publisher and URL of the work) is cited; ii) are not used for commercial purposes and are shared in the same way; iii) the existence and specifications of this user license are mentioned.

3. Self-filing conditions. Authors are permitted and encouraged to electronically disseminate the pre-print (version before being evaluated) and / or post-print (version evaluated and accepted for publication) versions of their works before publication. This favors its earlier circulation and diffusion and with it a possible increase in its citation and reach among the academic community. RoMEO color: green.

Archive Policies

The journals supervised by the Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, hosted in the domains and, have a secure and permanent archive ensured thanks to the automatic realization, by the university's IT service, of a backup copy of its contents every 24 hours. This allows all the electronic journals of the University of Seville to preserve their contents against any possible eventuality, since in case of occasional loss or corruption, it is feasible to go to daily backups.
