

Introductory article on the contents in each issue.
By the editorial team, the coordinator of the issue or an invited person.

Open / Indexed Submissions.

Articles written in Microsoft Word (extension. doc)

Length: 1400 words
Font: Times New Roman (PC) or Times Roman (Mac)
Original language: Spanish

Margins: Top 3 cm. Lower 3 cm. Left 3 cm. Right 2 cm
Headers: No headers or footers.
Page Numbering: Position: lower part (foot of page). Alignment: Right

TEXT. Shall consist solely of:
Editorial Title:
 Concise and informative, maximum 80 characters. Times New Roman, bold, size 12, spacing before 12 pt, after 18 pts, line spacing exactly 18.
The main text must be written in size 11, Times New Roman, spacing after 6 points, line spacing exactly 15 points, justified alignment. Do not use custom text formats.
Authors may use italics to emphasize a term if they wish.
Summary: No more than 15 lines. Times New Roman italic, size 9, with before and after space of 6 points and exact spacing, 12 points. The author’s name should be in bold. Justified alignment.
Keywords: up to six significant words.