Focus and scope

EL PÁJARO DE BENÍN (E-ISSN: 2530-9536, is a scientific journal published by the Editorial of the University of Seville and linked to Vanguardias, Últimas Tendencias y Patrimonio Artístico (HUM. 1030) Research Group, which publishes original articles dedicated to research on the History of Contemporary Art , both in its international manifestations and the contributions of the different Andalusian and national contexts.It is preferably aimed at the scientific and university community, both national and international, as well as at all professionals in this field of general study.

The publication was born in 2017, sometimes with two annual issues. Since 2020, the periodicity policy has been changed, publishing annually, with output in the month of December. Since its inception, this journal has carried out a professional management of manuscripts through the OJS Platform. Since 2020 it has been linked to the Editorial of the University of Seville.