An actress and doula and a dance practitioner-feminist researcher who have known each other for a long time continued to dialogue about their common interests and pursuits, but a recent encounter raises a powerful concern. from the idea of a staging around death, a relevant concern arises: how to address everyone's journey towards death, including those whose right to die was taken away from them? how can we approach our deaths through imaginative journeys, making an enormous difference to those who did not have the right to a life and death free of violence? how to place a topic as strong as death from the douleo and how to insert femicides there? the creative process continued its course, building languages with other artists and managed to present itself under the name of la casa sin bernarda, however, the knot was not untied with the work. douleo and feminism are the places where we feel the need to continue exploring.
Keywords: feminism; doula; pain; violence; death; grief
Nota Aclaratoria : Nos parece importante aclarar que cier
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