Throughout the following pages we will approach the figure of Oskar Kokoschka, Austrian painter and poet, by doing a brief tour of his life, pointing out his most important life´s chapters, in order to understand the artist´s mind, as well as his way of understanding and developing painting. To do this, we will analyze the most significant milestones of his career, since his start at the Viennese Workshops, in addition to his most influential personal relationships, such as those with Klimt, Loos, or Mahler.
ELGER, Dietmar: Expresionismo. Taschen. Madrid. 2002.
FUNDACIÓN JUAN MARCH: Oskar Kokoschka: Oleos y acuarelas, dibujos, grabados, mosaicos, obra literaria: 22 mayo-5 julio 1975. Fundación Juan March. Madrid. 1975.
HOFFMAN, Edith: Oskar Kokoschka. Purnell. 1967.
KOJA, Stephan: Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele: Un sueño vienés. 1898-1918. Fundación Juan March. 1995.
KOKOSCHKA, Oskar: Briefe III, 1934-1953. Düsseldorf.
KOKOSCHKA, Oskar: My life. Thames & Hudson. Londres. 1974.
LOOS, Adolf: Sämtliche Schriften, Vol. 1. Viena y Múnich. 1962
NEBEHAY, Christian M: Gustav Klimt. Von der Zeichnung zum Bild. Viena. 1992
TIETZE, Hans: Oskar Kokoschka. Nueva serie XXIX. Leipzig, 1918
ZUCKERKANDL, Berta: “Als die Klimtgruppe sich selbständig machle en Neues Wiener Journal”. Viena, 10 de Abril de 1927.