Justice and the Criminal Process in Algorithmic Key. New Approaches, New Risks
Artificial intelligence, Predictive justice, Predictive systems, Facial recognition, Procedural guarantees, ProportionalityAbstract
Of the many aspects with which artificial intelligence (hereinafter AI) can be approached, this article is based on a brief overview of the digitization of the criminal process and predictive justice and its risks. Because algorithmic predictions and predictive AI are talked about as the big rising star. Algorithmic predictions are getting better and better, and we live in a digital age, immersed in a digital machine. The computing revolution, which began at the end of the last century, has run amok with increasing computing power and deep learning methods that gobble up the unstoppable increase in data and nurture predictive algorithms. And the challenges are manifold. There are already many alerts: it started with Trojans and hackers, but now there are worrying practices of data acquisition by facial recognition, for example. In the following lines, we will try to address all these issues.
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