The Construction of an ‘Ethical’ Algorithm
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Algorithmic Bias, Transparency, European Regulation, Automated Decision-Making, Human RightsAbstract
The article addresses ethics in artificial intelligence (AI), highlighting the risk of discriminatory bias in algorithms that affect crucial decisions, such as mortgage approval or health care allocation. Since 2016, governments and organisations have become increasingly involved in the debate on creating ethical and fair AI. Examples of algorithmic biases illustrate problems of racism and exclusion, where algorithms, even without explicit race or gender information, perpetuate social inequities. Furthermore, it analyses the need for transparency and explainability in AI systems to ensure understandable and auditable decisions. It proposes a European legal framework that guarantees fairness and minimises bias, suggesting certifications and strict regulation in high-risk systems, noting that ethics must be integrated into the design and application of these technologies to avoid abuse and discrimination.
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