Evaluation of the mexican extrajudicial odr platform in consumer matters: concilianet





CONCIALIANET, E-Commerce, Conciliation, Alternative Dispute, Resolution, Online Dispute Resolution, Federal Consumer Protection Law


CONCILIANET meant a watershed in the way of resolving disputes between companies and consumers in Mexico due to the embrace of the digital justice being the first platform in its kind in Latin America. However, 15 years after its launch, neither the platform nor its regulation has shown a significant improvement to adapt to its reality. Therefore, the objective of this article is to make a proposal to improve CONCILIANET to provide an adequate protection to consumers who contract with Mexican online companies. A documentary qualitative methodology was used to achieve the previously mentioned objective, consisting of a description and evaluation of CONCILIANET and the critical analysis of some of the main international ODR platforms and instruments of electronic commerce. In conclusion this article seeks to update and modernize CONCILIANET to the new commercial reality, so a bigger number of consumers will be able to solve their disputes in a way that is not only effective, but respectful of fundamental rights.


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How to Cite

Hernández De la Cruz, M. A., & Nava González, W. (2022). Evaluation of the mexican extrajudicial odr platform in consumer matters: concilianet. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 8(1), 57–69. https://doi.org/10.12795/IETSCIENTIA.2022.i01.04
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