Big Brother, Science fiction or reality?
artificial intelligence, big data, mass surveillance, data protection, fundamental rights, national security, social score, remote biometric identification systemsAbstract
In a globalized world that generates a multitude of data and information, hypervigilance constitutes one of its characterizing features.
In this study, we will examine this Big Brother phenomenon by contrasting the existing social credit system in China with the regulation that, in terms of potential mass surveillance of the population, can be found in Europe, in order to increase citizen security facing the new global threats. Two different social models that, however, show a shocking reality: whether we are aware of it or not and, despite the limits established around this issue and a greater awareness of its danger for fundamental rights in the European environment,
we are not exempt from this hypervigilance. In this sense, the importation of fundamental rights into the digital sphere is imperative to avoid turning our rule of law into a police state.
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