Constitutional perspective of the guarantees of application of Artificial Intelligence: the inescapable protection of fundamental rights


  • Jorge Castellanos Claramunt Universitat de València
  • María Dolores Montero Caro España



Artificial Intelligence has an undeniable effect on today’s society, so its study regarding its legal effects becomes necessary. And consequently, how fundamental rights are affected is of particular importance. Hence, the present paper studies the influence of algorithms in determining judicial decisions, especially from the point of view of how this issue would affect the right to effective judicial protection, recognized as a fundamental right in article 24 of the Spanish Constitution.


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How to Cite

Castellanos Claramunt, J., & Montero Caro, M. D. (2020). Constitutional perspective of the guarantees of application of Artificial Intelligence: the inescapable protection of fundamental rights. IUS ET SCIENTIA, 6(2), 72–82.
  • Abstract 1491
  • pdf (Español (España)) 1414