Of the image and the thing. A reflection on the meaning of the appearance of the photographic image
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imagen fotográfica
sentido Affectivity
photographic image

How to Cite

González Araneda, S. (2021). Of the image and the thing. A reflection on the meaning of the appearance of the photographic image. Fedro, Revista De Estética Y Teoría De Las Artes, (21), 1–20. https://doi.org/10.12795/Fedro/2021.i21.01
  • Abstract 627
  • PDF (Español (España)) 243


We propose to examine the question of the sense of the apparition of the photographic image. For this, it is necessary to elucidate the structures that constitute the phenomenon of photography, distinguishing it from a technical analysis of its production, that is to say, we will expose: a) the referential and indexical character that the object-photography possesses and b) the affective function that the photographic image carries at the moment of being captured. With this, we will note the need for a phenomenological approach to the intentional apprehension of photography and, especially, to the way in which the photographed, the photographic image, manifests itself.

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