Adaptive capacity of the GIAHS territory of Axarquía (Malaga) through Nature-based Solutions


  • José Antonio Sillero-Medina Universidad de Málaga
  • José Damián Ruiz-Sinoga Universidad de Málaga

Palabras clave:

Soil erosion, GIAHS, Adaptative capacity, Lifestyle, Mediterranean, NbS


Soil degradation conditions in mediterranean areas make sustainable agricultural activity difficult, especially in a context of global change, where soil loss rates are increased by changes in rainfall dynamics. Thus, the territory designated as an «Important Agricultural World Heritage System» (GIAHS) dedicated to raisins in Axarquía (Malaga) is identified as an area of special vulnerability to these processes. This research aims, on the one hand, to determine the susceptibility to soil erosion and, especially, to find out what role Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are playing in the adaptive capacity of this region. For this purpose, the rainfall dynamics have been statistically analysed, soil erosion rates have been determined using the RUSLE model and, finally, a qualitative methodology for the evaluation of NbS has been developed. The results show a clear decrease in annual rainfall and a concentration of rainfall in higher intensity events, leading to higher rainfall erosivity and high soil loss rates. Nevertheless, agricultural practices and the different structures identified are considered sustainable adaptation strategies to these types of natural risks, qualifying as NbS.



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Biografía del autor/a

José Antonio Sillero-Medina, Universidad de Málaga

Laboratorio de Geomorfología y Suelos, Instituto de Hábitat, Territorio y Digitalización,
Departamento de Geografía

José Damián Ruiz-Sinoga, Universidad de Málaga

Laboratorio de Geomorfología y Suelos, Instituto de Hábitat, Territorio y Digitalización,
Departamento de Geografía



Cómo citar

Sillero-Medina, J. A. ., & Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D. . (2023). Adaptive capacity of the GIAHS territory of Axarquía (Malaga) through Nature-based Solutions. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (45), 235–236. Recuperado a partir de



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