The Territorialisation of Social Inclusion Policies from the Perspective of the Spanish Rural Areas: Regional Comparative
Palabras clave:
Social Policies, Rural Areas, Poverty, Social Exclusion, Social InclusionResumen
This article explores how the attention to rural areas is materialised in the plans for social inclusion in Spain. We analyse the national and autonomous frameworks classifying the Autonomous Communities (AACC) according to their degree of rurality (OCDE). Therefore, we establish if there is a relationship between the territorial character of each AACC and the type of inclusive actions set for rural areas, and which are the topics approached. The results show that the predominantly rural autonomous communities do not register the most substantial quantity of actions targeted to rural areas and that the themes more developed are on planning and regional development, education and training enhanc.
Cómo citar
La edición electrónica de la Revista de Estudios Andaluces se ofrece en acceso abierto desde el número 28 publicado en 2011 hasta la actualidad. Las ediciones impresa y electrónica de esta Revista son editadas por la Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, siendo necesario citar la procedencia en cualquier reproducción parcial o total.
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