Reflections on the origin of the place name Luanco (Asturias)


  • José Antonio Correa Rodríguez Universidad de Sevilla



Asturian toponymy, Celtic toponymy, Luanco


For the toponym Luanco only a Latin interpretation (*illum anconem ‘the small inlet’) has been proposed so far. This is appropriate to the characteristics of the place. However, taking into account the Celtic character of the double suffix [-anko-] and its frequency in the onomastics, a Celtic hypothesis is proposed in this article. Support for this is found in the name of the tribe of the Luanci (*Lugu-an-co-> Luanci ‘the inhabitants of the place where Lugu is’), from which the toponym (castellum) Luancum, not documented in Latin form, would derive. The possibility that the suffix has been [aniko-], a variant documented in the personal name Luanikos (or family name Luanikom) of a Celtiberian inscription, is also examined. However, no archaeological evidence of an ancient occupation of the place is known so far.


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How to Cite

Correa Rodríguez, J. A. (2018). Reflections on the origin of the place name Luanco (Asturias). Philologia Hispalensis, 31(1), 65–75.



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Received 2017-12-12
Accepted 2018-01-18
Published 2018-06-14
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