Lexicografía plurilingüe de los siglos XVI y XVII
Multilingual lexicography, dictionaries, vocabularies, dialogues, glossariesAbstract
This study analyzes a large number of multilingual lexicographic texts published and reedited under various titles—dictionaries, vocabularies, dialogues, glossaries, etc.—from the beginning of the 16th to the end of the 17th centuries. The object of these works was to respond to the needs of users wishing to understand and be understood in modern languages in eminently practical contexts, such as commerce or travel, at a time when Latin was no longer considered to be the sole language of international communication. During these two centuries lexicographers worked to provide instruments which covered the principal European languages in multilingual wordbooks ordered either alphabetically or thematically. The interest they sparked led to an increase in the number of adaptations, copies or even plagiaries, which makes it difficult to identify the sources on which a given work was based.
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