Borders and Identity-Formation in the Face of others on Frenchlanguage Littérature-Monde




Littérature-monde, francophonie, identity formation, borders, prosopopeia.


Within the framework of geographical, linguistic, cultural, interpersonal and even intimate boundaries, the representation of the various ways of dealing with borders is one of the defining traits of the wealth of French-language littérature-monde. This is particularly true in poetry, non-fictional narrative, and the novel, of which we analyze several exemplary authors such as Jean-Fernand Brierre, Assia Djebar, Clara Ness, and Driss Chraïbi. A consideration of theoretical works by Glissant, Spivak, and Saïd helps demonstrate that among the most significant leitmotivs in the representation of the relationship to the boundaries under consideration lie: the experience of pain and even mourning; the recourse to prosopopoeia; and the courage of resistance.


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How to Cite

Khan, S. J. (2020). Borders and Identity-Formation in the Face of others on Frenchlanguage Littérature-Monde. Philologia Hispalensis, 34(2), 33–51.
Received 2020-09-15
Accepted 2020-10-25
Published 2020-12-17
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