Attitudes and beliefs of barcelona’s young university students regarding the andalusian variety of spanish. Data from the PRECAVES XXI project




linguistic attitudes, Spanish varieties, Andalusian, PRECAVES XXI, university students, Barcelona


This article presents the results of the first research on beliefs and attitudes of university students in Barcelona towards the Andalusian variety, following the methodology designed and employed by the PRECAVES XXI project. The subjects observed are students from the Faculty of Philology and Communication at the University of Barcelona, divided into two groups: on the one hand, first-year students who do not have specific knowledge of the varieties of Spanish; on the other, students who have taken subjects such as Spanish Language History, Spanish of America or Spanish Sociolinguistics and who, consequently, have acquired knowledge about the Spanish varieties. The data obtained will allow us to know to what extent young Barcelona university students identify the Andalusian variety and what attitude they have towards it.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Illamola, University of Barcelona

Cristina Illamola is an associate lecturer in the Department of Hispanic Philology at the University of Barcelona, where she teaches the undergraduate subjects Sociolinguistics of Spanish, Spanish from America and Normative Grammar. At the same time, her more than ten years of experience as a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language, both to children, teenagers and adults, has allowed her to teach in the framework of the Master's degree in Spanish as a foreign language in professional environments. In 2015, she received her PhD from the same university with the thesis "Language contact and the expression of temporal posteriority in Catalan Spanish". She is currently coordinator of the PRESEEA-Barcelona and PRECAVES XXI-Barcelona projects, and researcher at the Centre for Research in Sociolinguistics and Communication (CUSC). Her main lines of study are in the field of variationist sociolinguistics and the analysis of phenomena derived from linguistic contact between Spanish and Catalan.

Mar Forment Fernández, University of Barcelona

Mar Forment Fernández is a lecturer in Spanish Language and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Spheres at the University of Barcelona. For more than two decades she has also been a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language in several institutions and directs the Spanish language and Catalan culture courses for foreigners taught by the Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Barcelona (Centre Ernest Lluch). In 2016 she joined the research group EDAP Academic and Professional Discourse Studies (, dedicated to the linguistic and pragmatic analysis of expert discourse in professional fields. Prior to this date, she was interested in the study of Spanish somatic phraseological units from a synchronic and diachronic perspective. He belongs to the PRESEEA Barcelona group (Project for the sociolinguistic study of Spanish in Spain and America) and to the Barcelona team of the Project for the study of beliefs and attitudes towards the varieties of Spanish in the 21st century (PRECAVES XXI). He participated for more than a decade in the preparation of the DiCCA XV-Dictionary of 15th century Castilian Spanish in the Crown of Aragon within the framework of the Grup d'Història i Contacte de Llengües of the University of Barcelona. 


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How to Cite

Illamola, C., & Forment Fernández, M. (2021). Attitudes and beliefs of barcelona’s young university students regarding the andalusian variety of spanish. Data from the PRECAVES XXI project. Philologia Hispalensis, 35(1), 117–142.
Received 2020-09-10
Accepted 2020-10-26
Published 2021-12-21
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