Health and grief in the migratory process


  • Marta Niño Fuentes


The migratory process involves a series of risk factors that give rise to the recurrence of health problems and that are closely related to migratory grief. From the field of Social Education, it is important to stress in this type of shortages and to adapt transversal actions, which correspond to real initiatives of Emotional Education, giving recognition to the profession and leaving the professional encroachment aside. This professional encroachment is revealed when Social Educators are relieved
to professional figures such as: doctors and psychologists. This fact is a challenge that must be worked for the emotional and social well-being of the person who arrives at any type of institution. This research aims to show the deficiencies within
the scope of social intervention with immigrants, as well as to study the true impact that the migratory process has on these people, who can develop real mental health problems. The group selected corresponds to First Reception Phase refugees the
of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) (Seville). The sample include a total of 10 persons, 5 professionals who work in the aforementioned institution (CEAR); and 5 users of it. The methodology consists of semi-structured interviews, participant observations during the period of university internship and the development of a documentary analysis according to the research problem. The collection of all the information relevant to our investigation revealed that in the First Phase of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, there are failures when working with Health and Grief in the Migratory Process


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Author Biography

Marta Niño Fuentes

Mi nombre es Marta Niño Fuentes y soy graduada en Trabajo Social y Educación Social por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Tengo especial interés por el colectivo de personas migrantes y mi experiencia se remonta a este mismo colectivo.


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How to Cite

Niño Fuentes, M. (2020). Health and grief in the migratory process. ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship, (1), 47–55. Retrieved from
  • Abstract 708
  • Salud y duelo en el proceso migratorio (Español (España)) 873