ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship <p class="rtejustify" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 1rem; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px;"><a href=""><img style="box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: middle; border-style: none; width: 150px; height: 199px; float: left; margin: 15px;" src="" alt="" /></a><span style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-align: justify; font-weight: bolder;">ESAMEC. Education Journal. Health, Environment and Citizenship</span><span style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; text-align: justify;"> es una publicación científica, semestral, que publica en acceso abierto trabajos originales relacionados con la Educación, teniendo como ejes principales la salud, el medioambiente y la ciudadanía, priorizando aquellos que resulten de investigaciones con un alcance nacional e internacional. La recepción de artículos es permanente. Publica trabajos originales en español, inglés o portugués, admitiéndose excepcionalmente en otras lenguas.</span></p> <p class="rtejustify"> </p> <p class="rtejustify"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>ADSCRIPCIÓN TEMATICA:</strong></span><br />Ciencias de la Educación</p> <p class="rtejustify"><span style="font-size: 16px;"><strong>BASES DE DATOS:</strong></span><br /> </p> es-ES <p><strong>En caso de su aceptación, autorizo a la revista ESAMEC a</strong> incluir mi nombre y apellidos, ORCID, así como mi filiación institucional y, en su caso, mi dirección de correo electrónico, en todos los documentos relacionados con la publicación del artículo que se somete a evaluación. Asimismo garantizo la autoría y originalidad del artículo, y asumo la plena y exclusiva responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios que pudieran producirse como consecuencia de reclamaciones de terceros respecto del contenido, autoría o titularidad del contenido del mismo.</p> <p>Todos los contenidos de esta revista se distribuyen bajo una licencia de uso y distribución “<strong>Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional</strong>”. Puede consultar desde aquí la <strong><a title="Licencia de Creative Commons versión informativa" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="NotApplicable">versión informativa</a></strong> y el <strong><a title="Licencia de Creative Commons texto legal" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="NotApplicable">texto legal</a></strong> de la licencia. Esta circunstancia ha de hacerse constar expresamente de esta forma cuando sea necesario.</p> <p> </p> (Olga Moreno Fernández) (Nieves Martín Bermúdez) Sun, 29 Nov 2020 20:02:09 +0000 OJS 60 School population and food, where are we headed? <p>The current globalization processes that characterize the most developed societies<br />imply high levels of connectivity and the proliferation of interrelationships unimaginable<br />until now. This process of globalization has generated great social and economic<br />advances at the international level, and Spain is no exception. Our country has<br />reached high levels of development in recent decades, making Spanish society one<br />of the most advanced in the world. This circumstance is reflected in the country itself,<br />offering a wide range of possibilities for improving quality of life and well-being.<br />However, the degree of social and economic development also gives rise to situations<br />that hinder full personal development and healthy lifestyles. In this sense, there is<br />no doubt that the rhythms of life, where the work seems to take precedence over the<br />social, and the consequent and growing difficulty in reconciling work and family life,<br />mean that the same society that benefits from high levels of economic development<br />is harmed when it comes to finding time for the development of people’s individuality.<br />In this process of individual development and fulfilment, health plays a fundamental<br />role and, within this, knowledge of one’s own body, regular physical exercise, adequate<br />emotional management and the acquisition of certain eating habits will play a fundamental<br />role in maintaining healthy levels in our society. Obviously, from a society<br />that finds it difficult to reconcile work and family life, it can be deduced that the greatest<br />sufferers will be children and adolescents with regard to their quality of life. It is<br />true that in developing societies, once children and adolescents have finished their<br />schooling, they engage in a large number of extracurricular activities, whether they be<br />sporting or academic. However, what place does nutritional education occupy in the<br />acquisition of healthy eating habits? What happens with the responsible consumption<br />of food as opposed to impulsive and uncontrolled consumption? In this respect, the<br />latest studies on child nutrition indicate that even today in Spain there is a prevalence<br />of 23.2% of overweight and 18.1% of child obesity, which implies a high risk for the development<br />of various diseases in the future of school-age children (ALADINO, 2015).<br />In view of these negative data, what measures are being taken by areas as diverse as<br />public administrations, educational centres and families? This paper aims to address<br />the challenges facing society today in terms of nutrition, as well as the real situation<br />of the school-age population from the perspective of their eating habits, also providing<br />coherence to the various proposals arising from educational policy and trying to involve<br />the main educational agents, ie, administrations, families and schools. Likewise,<br />the aim is to analyse the importance of the collaboration of the main educational<br />agents in the acquisition of healthy eating styles, as well as to propose educational<br />programmes and actions applicable in the school environment that could provide clarity<br />and even guide various projects within the framework of the existing educational<br />institutions in Spain.</p> Juana María Anguita Acero, Eduardo López Bertomeo Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Literature Review: ASMR as a Possible Strategy for Emotional Well-Being <p>Many people find on the Internet an essential which they turn searching for solutions<br />that improve their psychological discomfort. Due to that, in recent years, it has come up an experience employed by more and more people to try to decrease negative emotional feelings caused by stress or anxiety. We are referring to the ASMR, a phenomenon in which through different sounds, whispers and images, you experience a feeling of calm thanks to a pleasant “tingling” starts in the crown and spreads throughout the body. The main objective of this work is to know the benefits that ASMR can contribute to people with psychological disorders. The studies consulted show that the display of videos with ASMR content produces a relaxing and calming effect. Furthermore, it was established that there is a physiological response that shows that ASMR is a complex emotional experience that helps relaxation. Thus, ASMR could be effective in alleviating a variety of mental health problems. In conclusion, we can establish that the ASMR is effective in relaxation and tranquility and has a demonstrable physiological basis, which provides<br />some credibility to this experience.</p> María Magaña Pardo, María del Mar Macho Rivero Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Perceptions of Health and Quality of Life in Algarvian Elderly People <p>The ageing of the Portuguese population appears as a demographic and social challenge and it is a growing reality. In Portugal, the rate of aging has been increasing, being in 2018 157.4% when in 2000 it was 98.8% (Pordata, 2018). Related to aging, which is intended to be lived with quality of life and in an active way, several determinants are associated. Health conditions, environmental and personal factors, economic, social and cultural determinants, physical environment, health system, gender,<br />among others (World Health Organization, 2002). In this sense, and in order to understand how the elderly perceived their states of health and quality of life, a qualitative study was carried out on 30 people, aged 60 or over, in the Algarve. A demographic data questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were applied, followed by a content analysis. The results reveal that the categories that best describe health are the psychological category and absence, and for quality of life the health category, absence and behavioural category. It is concluded that both constructs are interconnected and that there are several factors that contribute to their maintenance</p> Cláudia Cristina Luisa Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Art, Health and Care: a commitment to art education from Madrid Salud <p>This article describes the strategy of incorporating art and artists into teams of Madrid Salud. Madrid Salud is a public body of the Madrid City Council that is responsible for preventive healthcare and health promotion. In 2011, it launched the Arte, Salud y Cuidados project, which incorporated art as a tool for this purpose. Method and procedure: Taking into account the WHO report on the evidence base for arts and health interventions published in 2019, and the approach of UNESCO about art education, encouraging creative, active and sustainable partnerships, this study describe the collaboration between art and health in Madrid Salud. Results and discussion: The description of this development evidences that art and art education are valid tools for opening up ways for the public to take part in preventive healthcare and health promotion.</p> Noemí Ávila Valdés Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 DVS project (drugs, violence and suicide): prevention, education, management. One sustainable bet <p>The school of the 21st century, due to its diversity, has become a space for meeting, learning and sharing very different realities. In this context, Portuguese schools have been developing projects that promote the discussion, in the school context, on the themes of Violence, Drugs and Suicide. In fact, in the face of social advances, globalization does not only provide an improvement in conditions and quality of life. It is clear that, in this process, the valorization of work as a factor of personal and professional promotion causes a greater difficulty in reconciling life at work and in the family, which<br />often result in gaps in their capacity in terms of prevention and monitoring of young people. Obviously, from this it can be deduced that the most affected will be children and adolescents seeing an increase in the rate of drug use, violence and suicide attempts in Portugal. This work aims to present a brief portrait of these projects, which involve parents and guardians, health technicians and police and judicial authorities. It is also intended, with this work proposal, to analyze the measures adopted to respond to the demands of current Portuguese society.</p> Filomena Fernandes Gonçalves, Ángel Luis González Olivares, Francisco Javier Sánchez-Verdejo Pérez Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Health and grief in the migratory process <p>The migratory process involves a series of risk factors that give rise to the recurrence of health problems and that are closely related to migratory grief. From the field of Social Education, it is important to stress in this type of shortages and to adapt transversal actions, which correspond to real initiatives of Emotional Education, giving recognition to the profession and leaving the professional encroachment aside. This professional encroachment is revealed when Social Educators are relieved<br />to professional figures such as: doctors and psychologists. This fact is a challenge that must be worked for the emotional and social well-being of the person who arrives at any type of institution. This research aims to show the deficiencies within<br />the scope of social intervention with immigrants, as well as to study the true impact that the migratory process has on these people, who can develop real mental health problems. The group selected corresponds to First Reception Phase refugees the<br />of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) (Seville). The sample include a total of 10 persons, 5 professionals who work in the aforementioned institution (CEAR); and 5 users of it. The methodology consists of semi-structured interviews, participant observations during the period of university internship and the development of a documentary analysis according to the research problem. The collection of all the information relevant to our investigation revealed that in the First Phase of the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid, there are failures when working with Health and Grief in the Migratory Process</p> Marta Niño Fuentes Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Sun, 29 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Family-school relationship as a promoter of Health Education Analysis of educational legislation <p>The present work is shown as a theoretical study born from the need to study the<br />relationship between two important areas for the life of the person, school and family,<br />and these as drivers of Health Education. In order to know the participative possibilities<br />of the family at school and the inclusion of Health Education, a legislative content<br />analysis, focusing on educational a matter that is currently at national and regional<br />level, in the case of Extremadura. The results show that the family-school relationship<br />is configured as a favourable framework for obtaining educational achievements<br />both in childhood and in adolescence, considering Health Education as a transversal<br />discipline to be addressed in the curriculum with the participation of all the agents<br />involved. In conclusion, the family-school binomial is a basic pillar for comprehensive<br />education.</p> Fátima Rosado-Castellano, Nieves Martín-Bermúdez Copyright (c) 2020 La Universidad de Sevilla se reserva todos los derechos sobre el contenido de las revistas científicas editadas por ésta. Los respectivos textos no pueden ser utilizados, distribuirse, comercializarse, reproducirse o transmitirse por ningún procedimiento informático, electrónico o mecánico con ánimo de lucro, directo o indirecto, ni tampoco incluirse en repositorios ajenos, sin permiso escrito de la Editorial Universidad de Sevilla. Podrán ser usados y citados para fines científicos y referenciados sin transformación para usos académicos, indicándose en todo caso la autoría y fuente, pudiendo para ello remitir al correspondiente enlace URL de Internet. Wed, 16 Dec 2020 00:00:00 +0000