The reconstruction of the recent past through TV narrative. A comparative study of Chile and Spain
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ficción histórica
Chile television
historical fiction

How to Cite

Castillo Hinojosa, A. M. ., Simelio Solà, N. ., & Ruiz Muñoz, M. J. . (2022). The reconstruction of the recent past through TV narrative. A comparative study of Chile and Spain. COMMUNICATION. International Journal of Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Cultural Studies, 1(10), 666–681.
  • Abstract 183
  • PDF (Español (España)) 78


This article analyses four historical tv shows with a great success of audience which argument is developed in a political context of dictatorship. Specifically, a comparative qualitative analysis of the following tv shows was conducted: Los 80 (Canal 13, Chile), Los Archivos del Cardenal (TVN, Chile), Amar en tiempos revueltos (TVE1, Spain) and Cuéntame cómo pasó (TVE1, Spain). We affirm that the success of these tv shows is due to the use of recourses that appeal to the quotidian memory, provoking identification to the audience, and, at the same time, focusing on subject maters that requires to be submitted to public discussion.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2012 Ana María Castillo Hinojosa, Núria Simelio Solà, María Jesús Ruiz Muñoz


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